This might be a little direct but, maybe it’s us.
Today I posted a video on my youtube channel as the kick off to a new series called Me Vs. Model. This isn’t to compare myself to a model except to say that I am different. It’s not to see who wore it best but to say we are both deserving of clothes we like.
I’m sure I’m not the first human to post side by side photos of them-self and a brand image but here’s why I thought it important. As both an “influencer” and a seasoned marketing person, I’ve had the unique experience of being a person who creates what I feel is quality content – often celebrated by media and organizations that I greatly respect all while having the marketing data and brand experience to know that I’m also not what a lot of women want to see (even when they look exactly like me).
We see a smaller model who is little in the middle with a big booty, you buy the jeans. We see an apple shaped woman at even a size 18, they are needing to mark product down because you don’t shop when you see yourself.
In my video I talk a little bit about body worship and how it affects our what we put into our carts, purchase and often get it home only to hate it. Did you buy it because you like it or is this something we snagged because the model looked “hot”. There are very few brands who do this – probably because it’s expensive but wouldn’t it be fantastic to see clothes on a variety of sizes and body types? My hope would be that the more we see ourselves reflected the more we can come to a place of self acceptance so that a mirror image of ourselves doesn’t scare us way from shopping.
Shopping to fix “flaws” rather than as a creative expression of self will leave you covered but robbed of the joy that fashion can bring. Starting with a self or societal imposed “negative” is the opposite of fashion freedom.