3 WAYS TO STAY HYDRATED THIS SUMMER Rest and relaxation are long overdue! We are out, we are away, and we are looking so damn good.
Rescuing My Natural Hair from Blowouts I tried my best to not go totally wild because there are about 20 sweaters that I have my eye on. I got my list down to color, print and…more print haha.
How I’m Recovering My Winter Skin Now that it’s freezing, my skin is in full revolt and here’s what I’m doing about it! I’ve had to update my skincare routine. It’s
Discovering Your Purpose I’ve always felt lead by the divine. But lately I’ve been seeking higher purpose. My life has been incredibly blessed in that I’ve always been
The Plus Size Skirt You Need This Summer It’s one of the biggest trends this season and it’s hear to stay, for now. I can’t get enough of satin skirts. This is one of
One Piece Plus Size Swimsuits That Are Actually Cool! You know the movie scene wear the hot girl walks into the pool party and… Heads are turning left and right and people are shook