A random day just before the snow in a random outfit. Mood, wild and free.
| Similar Teddy Bear Faux Fur Coat | Similar Metallic Midi Skirt
I was cleaning out my closet and trying to decide if I want to keep this skirt. I’ve had it for ages and always loved it but it’s not quite my style anymore. My thought was to wear this outfit with a pair of mom jeans but, the skirt tugged on my heart strings and I figured I’d give it one more go. A farwell to a formerly beloved item that will likely find a new home soon.
Do you ever feel the need to wear something one last time before donating or selling? I’m not one who gets attached to clothing but this little number got me. Here’s the first time I wore it on the blog.
P.S. I’m obsessed with this t-shirt. My birthday month left me feeling wild. The older I get the more secure I am in knowing who I am and what I want. Unafraid to be the best of myself. Smart, beautiful, wild and FREE. Not going to let the next four years diminish any of that.
*Side bar: I’m doing that winter then where I blow out my hair and have been hunting for the best way to keep curls or beachy waves!
I’ve been using a curling iron but think I’ll be switching to a wand. Any tips for keeping your hair from falling welcome in the comments! Note that my hair is freakishly soft and thus, lazy. I’ve tried flat iron curling and pin curling while my hair is still warm, hairspray. Everything. Send help.
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Photos by Lydia Hudgens