{plussize ootd} Color Me Happy

This weekend I embarked on an intense spring cleaning mission (I’m still not quite finished). But, it made me truly wish I could be one of those people who only wore black in winter and white the rest of the year. Two colors, maybe 20 articles of clothes tops. A minimalist at the highest level.

Reality bites and I bleed mint green and tomato red and probably 80 other colors. I just can’t help it! I love color. I really do! So maybe I’ll never live my minimalist dream but I will trotting happily through the streets of Manhattan…sometimes in all black, or white and sometimes in my favorite Easter egg colors.

 Leather Jacket: ASOS Curve, Sweater: 125th St., Skirt: Domino Dollhouse, Booties and Earrings: Ashley Stewart (similar here and here)

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

14 thoughts on “{plussize ootd} Color Me Happy”

  1. you are the harbinger of fashion life. just thought i'd let you know. lol. fabulous fantastic incredible. mint is my color right now so i'm all over this. oy, i want to raid your closet!!

  2. I'm like you. I HAVE to have color or I feel drab and sad. I would not have put this combo together, left to my own devices, but I will now. It looks so good on you!

  3. Love your style!!! Thosr boots oh I have to get… Thank you!!! #fashion #loveseenpluswomendoingtheirthing #Werk!!!!

  4. Black Butterfly

    First of all, let me just say that mint green and red hold a special place in my heart together. Secondly, we share similar problems. I'm always thinking about how I can minimize my closet and just have the basics with a few statement pieces but that's just not how I work! I'm obsessed with color! Great post!

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