Won’t You Be Mine?

I had a pretty incredible Valentine’s Day. Totally chill and casual but, perfect. I hope you guys had a good one! Many aren’t into the Hallmark holidays but like I said before, it’s nice to acknowledge people you care about. Yes, you should do it everyday but why not do it on a day specifically set aside to do so.

Special someones very close to my heart are you guys. I started blogging just for fun, it was something I should have done years ago. All of you make the effort totally worth it. So, I appreciate you and thank you for taking time from your day to read my little scribblings and to check out my photos. For those of your who click links on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr…won’t you be mine? Follow the blog! 🙂 

I didn’t really have a plan about what to wear on V Day, but when I started digging around I quickly came to this oversized dress with the cool woven/beaded detail at the neck. 

Here’s what I’m wearing:

Dress- Asos Curve

Necklace – Vintage stolen from my Mum

Ring – c/o Fashion to Figure

Shoes – Christian Seriano for Payless

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