Vlogs from Punta Cana

Top | Pants | Sunglasses | Sneakers

Note: Even though I’m covered in mud, these pants are still amazing!

There where two major highlights for me on my recent trip to Punta Cana with Barcelo Resorts. Aside from the massive family friendly resort filled with things to do and the gorgeous and oh so warm watered beaches, we went on a really fun Dune Buggy excursion. I’d never been before so it was great to try something new. You can see from the photo above I got REALLY dirty.

Check out the video here:

After spending a little bit of time wandering around the massive Barcelo Place Deluxe grounds looking for the Carnaval parade, I bumped right into it! Had an awesome time with Barcelo enjoying the beautiful beaches, Dune Buggying for the first time (you’ve seen the video right??!) and ending things with their annual Carnaval Parade.

Travel and accommodations provided by Barcelo Resorts

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Olive Green and Grey

I’ve happily let go of cold weather, but I haven’t quite let go of my cold weather palette. The MOST perfect grey tee | Happy


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