Whistling Dixie

Yesterday one of my besties – Rosa and I grabbed our Harlem passports and jumped on the train to BK for a mini summer time adventure. We went to The Garden Party at the Weeksville Heritage Center to hear a few bands and my pal // Libation NYC’s Co-Creator Manchild Black DJ.

I had no idea where I was going and was wowed by the location. In the middle of Crown Heights BK (yes, those are the PJ’s in the background across the street), there is this amazing mini village. It’s a giant lawn perfect for a band/dj set up with a early 1900’s Southern style vibe. Tiny country houses included. Amazing! So, many of Brooklyn’s finest urban bohemians piled onto the lawn for a little electro pop, spoken word and fun tunes spun by le’ DJ.

Manchild Black, Beautuful People, Rosa lounging on the lawn

 I was actually whistling, not making kissing faces lol

Here’s what I’m wearing:

Shades – Chloe (2011) (Similar here and here)

Denim Shirt – OneStopPlus.com (Another denim shirt that I love!)

Dress – ASOS Curve (Get it here)

Ring – H&M

Bag – Alexander Wang (Get it here – budget friendly minty colored bags here and here)

Leopard Cutout Oxford – BFT

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